Extreme obesity

Extreme dom encourager

Extremely interested. I’d love to have a feeder.
3 months

Extreme dom encourager

Looking for some gainers/feedees to chat with and encourage in discord. Looking for long-term encouraging no flakes and rapid weight gain and totally gluttony is my thing! Feel free to message

Extreme domme feeder here. Just being nosy, but what does being an extreme dom encourager mean to you? What is your style of encouragement?
3 months

Extreme dom encourager

Looking for some gainers/feedees to chat with and encourage in discord. Looking for long-term encouraging no flakes and rapid weight gain and totally gluttony is my thing! Feel free to message

Extreme domme feeder here. Just being nosy, but what does being an extreme dom encourager mean to you? What is your style of encouragement?

I second the question here. It could mean entirely different things to different people.

In my mind an effective "extreme dom encourager" is someone who doesn't just fantasize about unrealistic gluttony and demand gaining, but is actually someone who is brutally efficient in their encouragement methods. This kind of feeder/encourager should know what their feedee responds well to, what their limits are and what mentally drives them to gain, and they should take advantage of those aspects and use that knowledge to push their feedee to new extremes. That could border on (or even step into) mental manipulation on some level, but ultimately to me it should be someone who is able to get results without simply trying to play out a fantasy.

I could be wrong because perhaps I'm describing what I personally am looking for in a feeder/encourager, but I think that there's a level of understanding, dedication and skill in an "extreme dom feeder" that others simply don't have.
3 months

Extreme dom encourager

Never done encouragement before. Just need someone to help push me beyond my limits, so I can gain quicker.
3 months

Extreme dom encourager

Never done encouragement before. Just need someone to help push me beyond my limits, so I can gain quicker.

Eh. I'd be more discerning about that.

I'm not casting any aspersions about OP. I don't know him, and I haven't seen any red flag behaviors from him. But you gotta be extra careful about choosing an extreme dom encourager/feeder. Some of us are delightful. However, the majority are absolutely insane abusers.
3 months